Collection: Printed Home Accessories

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483 products
Sincerely, Sticks "T" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 written in cursive
Sincerely, Sticks "T" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 written out in flowers
"T" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "S" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with red bird
Sincerely, Sticks "S" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with vine and checks
"S" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "R" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with rope and leaf
Sincerely, Sticks "R" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with polka dot stripes
"R" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "Q" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with zig zags and swirls
Sincerely, Sticks "Q" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with flowers
"Q" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "P" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with patch behind the letter
Sincerely, Sticks "P" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with flower
"P" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "O" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with owl and vine
Sincerely, Sticks "O" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 written out in flowers
"O" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "N" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with rope
Sincerely, Sticks "N" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with sun and moon
"N" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "M" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with moon and stars
Sincerely, Sticks "M" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with heart and bee
"M" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "L" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with vine
Sincerely, Sticks "L" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 written out in flowers
"L" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "K" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with swirl, wave edge
Sincerely, Sticks "K" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with random hash marks
"K" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "J" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with rope edge
Sincerely, Sticks "J" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with tree of life
"J" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "I" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with polka dots
Sincerely, Sticks "I" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 written out in flowers
"I" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "H" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 written out in flowers
Sincerely, Sticks "H" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with polka dots
"H" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "G" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with vine
Sincerely, Sticks "G" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with polka dots
"G" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "F" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with a house
Sincerely, Sticks "F" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with  vine
"F" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "E" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 written out in flowers
Sincerely, Sticks "E" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with vine
"E" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "D" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with vine and zig zags
Sincerely, Sticks "D" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 in cursive with black and white check border
"D" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "C" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with chicken
Sincerely, Sticks "C" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 in pink with black and white check
"C" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "B" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with polka dot border
Sincerely, Sticks "B" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with tree branch
"B" Alphabet Letter Plaque
Sincerely, Sticks "A" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 1 with clouds
Sincerely, Sticks "A" Alphabet Letter Plaque option 2 with vine
"A" Alphabet Letter Plaque
"Tie the Knot" Picture Frame – Lovely artisan printed frame with wedding motif, "Always and Forever" front view
"Tie the Knot" 5x7 Picture Frame
"Tie the Knot" 5x7 Picture Frame
"What a Family Means" Picture Frame – "Love Each Other" frame with sun, moon and home motif front view
"What a Family Means" 8x10 Picture Frame
"What a Family Means" 8x10 Picture Frame
"Polly's Quilt" Picture Frame – "Cherish Family" frame with sun, moon and home motif front view
"Polly's Quilt" Picture Frame – "Cherish Family" frame with sun, moon and home motif back view
"Polly's Quilt" 4x6 Picture Frame
"Polka Dots and Happy Thoughts" Picture Frame – "Cherish Family" frame with colorful home and family tree motif front view
"Polka Dots and Happy Thoughts" Picture Frame – "Cherish Family" frame with colorful home and family tree motif back view
"Polka Dots and Happy Thoughts" 8x10 Picture Frame
"Passionate Kisses" Picture Frame – "Love, Love, Crazy Love" frame with floral motif on a yellow background front view
"Passionate Kisses" Picture Frame – "Love, Love, Crazy Love" frame with floral motif on a yellow background back view
"Passionate Kisses" 8x10 Picture Frame
"La Playa" Picture Frame – Beautiful artisan printed picture frame with beach and coastal themes front view
"La Playa" Picture Frame – Beautiful artisan printed picture frame with beach and coastal themes back view
"La Playa" 8x10 Picture Frame
"Hello, Little Person" Picture Frame – "Welcome, Baby" frame with sun, moon and home motif front view
"Hello, Little Person" 8x10 Picture Frame
"As You Wish" Picture Frame – Vibrant and colorful "Happily Ever After" artisan printed picture frame front view
"As You Wish" 8x10 Picture Frame
"As You Wish" 8x10 Picture Frame
"Sarah's Garden" Picture Frame – Lovely artisan printed picture frame with floral motifs, "Cherish Family" front view
"Sarah's Garden" Picture Frame – Lovely artisan printed picture frame with floral motifs, "Cherish Family" back view
"Sarah's Garden" 5x7 Picture Frame
"Iowa Nice" Picture Frame – "Live Life to the Fullest" frame with sun and moon on the horizon with home motif front view
"Iowa Nice" 5x7 Picture Frame
"Iowa Nice" 5x7 Picture Frame
"Friends of a Feather Stick Together" Picture Frame – "Cherish Friends" frame with sunset over the water motif front view
"Friends of a Feather Stick Together" Picture Frame – "Cherish Friends" frame with sunset over the water motif back view
"Friends of a Feather Stick Together" 5x7 Picture Frame
"Float Your Boat" Picture Frame – Frame with sunny beach and sailboat motif front view
"Float Your Boat" Picture Frame – Frame with sunny beach and sailboat motif back view
"Float Your Boat" 5x7 Picture Frame
"Sweet Pea McB" Picture Frame – Lovely artisan printed picture frame with flowering vine motif, "Love" front view
"Sweet Pea McB" Picture Frame – Lovely artisan printed picture frame with flowering vine motif, "Love" back view
"Sweet Pea McB" 4x6 Picture Frame
"Grandma's House" Picture Frame – "Life is an Adventure, Partake" frame with home and sunset on the horizon motif front view
"Grandma's House" 4x6 Picture Frame
"Grandma's House" 4x6 Picture Frame
"Everyday Endeavors" Picture Frame – Learn/Grow/Dream frame with home, sun and moon motif front view
"Everyday Endeavors" 4x6 Picture Frame
"Everyday Endeavors" 4x6 Picture Frame
"Dogs & Cats & Birds Oh My" Picture Frame – "Love Animals" colorful picture frame for your favorite pet photos front view
"Dogs & Cats & Birds Oh My" Picture Frame – "Love Animals" colorful picture frame for your favorite pet photos back view
"Dogs & Cats & Birds Oh My" 4x6 Picture Frame
"After Midnight" Moon Shaped Clock
"After Midnight" Moon Shaped Clock
"After Midnight" Moon Shaped Clock
"A Little Birdie Told Me" House Clock – A bird is perched on a home with flower beds out front front view
Sincerely, Sticks clock A Little Birdie Told Me displayed in a home's gallery wall
"A Little Birdie Told Me" House Shaped Clock
"Who Hung the Moon" Star Clock – A moon and starry sky surround a home nestled into a landscape front view
"Who Hung the Moon" Star Clock – A moon and starry sky surround a home nestled into a landscape back view
"Who Hung the Moon" Star Shaped Clock
"Loving Time" Heart Clock – A landscape design fills this heart shaped clock front view
"Loving Time" Heart Clock – A landscape design fills this heart shaped clock back view
"Loving Time" Heart Shaped Clock

Printed Home Accessories

Sincerely, Sticks is our signature line of Sticks art prints – 
Every Sincerely, Sticks piece is artisan printed, pulling designs directly from handmade originals. Manufactured in our award winning studio in Des Moines, IA, these printed products reflect the recognizable aesthetic of Sticks handmade originals, but at a lower price point. Sincerely, Sticks brings accessible design without sacrificing quality while continually adding new designs and products in an ever evolving catalog.

Free shipping on all Sincerely, Sticks products!