Collection: Printed Home Accessories

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Sincerely, Sticks "&" symbol plaque
Example of Sincerely, Sticks "&" symbol plaque to spell out Mr & Mrs
"&" Symbol Plaque
Pineapple Icon Plaque – This pineapple plaque makes the perfect finishing touch to your Love Letters house number, symbolizing everyone entering your home are welcome friends! front view
Example of Sincerely, Sticks house numbers plaque with pineapple icon plaque
Pineapple Icon Plaque
Small House Icon Plaque – This house plaque makes the perfect finishing touch to your Love Letters house number! front view
Example of Sincerely, Sticks house number plaques with small house icon plaque
Small House Icon Plaque
Sun Icon Plaque – This sun plaque makes the perfect finishing touch to your Love Letters word or phrase! front view
Example of Sincerely, Sticks alphabet letter plaques spelling out Family on a fireplace mantel
Sun Icon Plaque
Star Icon Plaque – This star plaque makes the perfect finishing touch to your Love Letters word or phrase! front view
Example of Sincerely, Sticks alphabet letter plaques with heart icon accent at the end
Star Icon Plaque
Moon Icon Plaque – This moon plaque makes the perfect finishing touch to your Love Letters word or phrase front view
Example of Sincerely, Sticks alphabet letter plaques with moon icon plaque
Moon Icon Plaque
Large House Icon Plaque – This house plaque makes the perfect finishing touch to your Love Letters word or phrase! front view
Example of Sincerely, Sticks alphabet letter plaques with house icon plaque
Large House Icon Plaque
Heart Icon Plaque – This heart plaque makes the perfect finishing touch to your Love Letters word or phrase front view
Example of Sincerely, Sticks heart icon plaque to accent family spelled-out
Heart Icon Plaque
Flower Icon Plaque – This flower plaque makes the perfect finishing touch to your Love Letters word or phrase front view
Sincerely, Sticks alphabet plaques spelling out Relax on a patio
Flower Icon Plaque

Printed Home Accessories

Sincerely, Sticks is our signature line of Sticks art prints – 
Every Sincerely, Sticks piece is artisan printed, pulling designs directly from handmade originals. Manufactured in our award winning studio in Des Moines, IA, these printed products reflect the recognizable aesthetic of Sticks handmade originals, but at a lower price point. Sincerely, Sticks brings accessible design without sacrificing quality while continually adding new designs and products in an ever evolving catalog.

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