Collection: Handmade Accessories

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1466 products
Square Wall Clock –  Colorful wall clock with cheery block icons and inspirational phrases
Square Wall Clock
Square Wall Clock –  Lovely beach and coastal themed wall clock with vine motifs
Square Wall Clock
Square Wall Clock –  "Follow your Heart" wall clock with happy mermaid motif
Square Wall Clock
Square Wall Clock –  "Make the Time Sweet Today" wall clock with sun, bird and tree of life motif
Square Wall Clock
Square Wall Clock –  "Life can be so Beautiful" wall clock with sun and flower motif
Square Wall Clock
Square Wall Clock –  "Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow, Live Today" wall clock with floral motif
Square Wall Clock
Square Wall Clock –  "Time for Good Wine" wall clock with wine and grapes motif
Square Wall Clock
Square Wall Clock –  Lovely sun and moon themed wall clock with floral motifs
Square Wall Clock
Square Wall Clock –  Lovely four seasons landscape wall clock with bird motif
Square Wall Clock
Square Wall Clock –  Colorful wall clock with cooking theme and precious bird element
Square Wall Clock
Square Wall Clock –  Eclectic and fun folk art wall clock with handsomely painted mountain and rolling foothills landscape
Square Wall Clock
Square Wall Clock –  Lovely wall clock with colorful block icons and bird element
Square Wall Clock
Square Wall Clock –  Lovely wall clock with sunrise landscape and floral motif with an open book at the top
Square Wall Clock
Square Wall Clock –  Lovely wall clock with colorful block elements, sun and bird motif
Square Wall Clock
Grandfather Clock –  "Live Now/Love Life" grandfather clock with nature motif
Grandfather Clock –  "Live Now/Love Life" grandfather clock with nature motif
Grandfather Clock
Grandfather Clock –  "Live Life to the Fullest" grandfather clock with sun and moon motif
Grandfather Clock –  "Live Life to the Fullest" grandfather clock with sun and moon motif
Grandfather Clock
Grandfather Clock –  "The Secret to Life is Enjoying the Passage of Time" grandfather clock with moon and mountains motif
Grandfather Clock
Grandfather Clock –  "The Secret to Life is Enjoying the Passage of Time" grandfather clock with sunset on the horizon motif
Grandfather Clock
Grandfather Clock –  "Today is the Day" grandfather clock with nautical motif
Grandfather Clock –  "Today is the Day" grandfather clock with nautical motif
Grandfather Clock
Grandfather Clock –  "Make Time Sweet" grandfather clock with sun, moon and nature motif
Grandfather Clock –  "Make Time Sweet" grandfather clock with sun, moon and nature motif
Grandfather Clock
Large Activity Board –  "Go out for Adventure, Come Home for Love," activity board with four seasons landscape and colorful block icons
Large Activity Board
Small Activity Board –  "Go Out for Adventure/Come Home for Love" activity board with sun setting over a sailboat on the water motif
Small Activity Board
Small Activity Board –  "Our Lives" activity board with bright sunny sky over the rolling hills motif
Small Activity Board
Small Activity Board –  "The Secret to Life is Enjoying the Passage of Time" activity board with sun and moon over the beautiful rolling hills motif
Small Activity Board
Info Center –  "Go out for Adventure/Come Home for Love" activity board with sunset and sailboat motif
Info Center
Info Center –  "Seize the Day/Relish the Night" activity board with bright sun and sleepy moon motif
Info Center
Info Center –  "Look Back/Look Ahead/Live Now" activity board with sun, moon and home motif
Info Center
Info Center –  "Get Organized/Make Plans" activity board with sunset on the horizon with moon motif
Info Center
Info Center –  "Live Life to the Fullest" activity board with sun, moon and home motif
Info Center
Info Center –  "The Secret to Life is Enjoying the Passage of Time" activity board with sun and moon over the horizon motif
Info Center
Large Activity Board –  "Look Back, Look Ahead, Live Now," activity board with gorgeous four seasons mountain landscapes
Large Activity Board
Medium Activity Board –  "Go out for Adventure/Come Home for Love" activity board with scene of the changing seasons motif
Medium Activity Board
Medium Activity Board –  "Home is where the Heart is" activity board with sunset on the horizon with home motif
Medium Activity Board
Medium Activity Board –  "The Secret to Life is Enjoying the Passage of Time" activity board with sun and moon over the tree of life motif
Medium Activity Board
Medium Activity Board –  "Home is Where the Heart it" activity board with sun and moon over a cozy home nestled in the woods motif
Medium Activity Board
Medium Activity Board – "Look Back, Look Ahead, Live Now" activity board with flower and nature motif
Medium Activity Board
Small Activity Board –  "Seize the Day/Relish the Night" activity board with sunset over the rolling hills motif
Small Activity Board
Small Activity Board –  "Look Back/Look Ahead/Live Now/Love Life" activity board with sun setting over the four seasons motif
Small Activity Board
Small Activity Board –  "Seize the Day" activity board with sun and moon over the changing four seasons motif
Small Activity Board
Small Activity Board –  "Our Lives" activity board with sun and moon over the beautiful horizon
Small Activity Board

Handmade Accessories

Add a touch of whimsy to your home with Sticks' handmade accessories furniture. Explore from our variety of accessories to place in any part of your home. Pick the best lazy susan or plaque for your dining room or kitchen. Measure your kids height with our growth charts and stay on schedule with our perpetual calendars. Elevate your living room or bedroom with our lamps, door toppers, activity boards, and mirrors, and more!
All handcrafted and made with love in Des Moines, Iowa