Care Instructions | Dickinson Kitchenware

Care Instructions | Dickinson Kitchenware

Care Instructions for Dickinson Kitchenware Products

1. Never put your woodenware in the dishwasher
2. Hand-wash with warm soapy water – do not let soak in water
3. Dry off excess water using a clean towel 
5. Let your woodenware dry completely before putting away (A drying rack is very helpful!)

To Disinfect: Wipe with vinegar or lemon juice. Let stand one minute, rinse. Apply oil after disinfection.

To Maintain Your Woodenware:
Apply a liberal coat of Dickinson Kitchenware Oil or a thin layer of our End Grain Balm if/when dry spots arise. This could be a week or several months depending on how much it is used and washed with soap.  Other food safe oils, such as mineral, walnut, and coconut oils, may also be used, but unlike the Dickinson Kitchenware special blend of oils, these are not curing oils and will need to be reapplied more often to maintain your woodenware.

It is recommended that you do not use vegetable oils as they can go rancid over time.



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  • Maggie Steinberg
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